Princes of Aranmore: Through The Way (Book One)


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Twins, Conor and Roland, set out on a hazardous quest to the elfin Kingdom of Aranmore to save it from being destroyed by a bitter enemy. They must travel The Way with a blind man, a raven, an amulet and a map. There is no going back and the boys have to seek shelter before each day ends or risk being captured by the creatures of darkness.

They have no idea of the horrors they must face. On their journey, they discover the powers passed down to them from their father’s race and the courage to continue on their quest, no matter what.

Product Details

Title: Princes of Aranmore Through The Way

Author: Robin Adolphs

Publisher: Butternut Books


978-0-6484285-1-0 (pbk)

Paperback: 142 pages

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